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Calcium and Magnesium Citrates: A better absorbed form of calcium. (250 tabs).
Chromium (Chromate): Niacin-bound chromium for greatest absorption. Appetite suppressant, lowers blo..
A highly absorbable iron supplement that is easy on your stomach. Contains Folic Acid, Vitamin..
Opti-Zinc: Highly absorbed zinc. Accelerates healing, and mental alertness. (100 tabs/20 mg.)
P.A.B.A.: (Para-Amino-Benzoic Acid) Helps keep skin healthy and restore natural hair color. (100 cap..
Potassium Citrate: Reduces blood pressure and normalizes heart rhythms. (100 tabs/99 mg.)
This is part of the C complex and it helps vitamin C do its job. It protects blood vessels and stren..
Protects against some cancers, alleviates menopausal distress, keeps tissue elastic.
(100 tabs/100m..
Zinc Lozenges: super throat lozenges. Contains zinc, Vitamin C, Echinacea, and Bee Propolis. (120 lo..
Zinc Lozenges: super throat lozenges. Contains zinc, Vitamin C, Echinacea, and Bee Propolis.(60 Loze..