C-Therapy Tea (formerly Cancer Therapy) - Organic (2 oz)

C-Therapy Tea (formerly Cancer Therapy) - Organic (2 oz)
C-Therapy Tea (formerly Cancer Therapy) - Organic (2 oz)
Product Code: tea004
Availability: 3
Price: $7.95
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C-therapy tea contains Red Clover and other herbs to help purify the blood, reduce un-healthy cell growth as well as acts as normalizing agents and inhance the immune system.Can help reduce the side effects of Chemotherapy, but most important to help the body help itself. ( Read on to see how C-therapy  came to be.)

Organic Ingredients: Red Clover Blossoms, Burdock Root, Dandelion Root, Siberian Ginseng, Slippery Elm Powder, Rhubarb Root, Pau D' Arco, Suma, Astragalus,  Sheep Sorrel, Cat's Claw

2 oz.-$7.95




Once Upon A Time, in the year 1980, a dear friend's sister was about to start chemotherapy. Wanting to help, we suggested she drink three cups of red clover tea a day because of its blood purifying qualities. Many of our books, particularly our "old herbals," Recommended red clover for "reducing tumors and cysts." We never expected such positive results! To our amazement, she didn't lose her hair nor did she experience any nausea during the chemotherapy. This is an example of modern medicine and old time remedies improving the quality of life. They can work together! We then realized there was a need to help more than the side effects of chemotherapy. We continued our research and found more ways for our bodies to help themselves. We formulated C-Therapy Tea. The herbs in this formula act as normalizing agents and enhance the immune system. We recommend 3 cups or more of tea daily for anyone who is undergoing chemotherapy, radiation treatments, or a chronic illness. It is necessary to be consistent! You may sweeten this tea with lemon, orange peel, cinnamon or honey-it won't change the effectiveness. BE HEALTHY!!!

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